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Sterilization to Nina

🏥In Vet Vida today we have sterilized 4 dogs by laparoscopy, something we do very frequently, but we want to highlight Nina, a yorkshire toy weighing only 1 KILO. 😱

👩🏻‍⚕️ Many of you are afraid to undergo surgery to very small patients, for fear of anesthesia. With a good team of anesthetists and surgeons, the risk is minimal. 👩🏻‍⚕️

💉You only needed two small incision points 🐶.

✔️You have had a great recovery.

➡️We want to emphasize that laparoscopic sterilization is fast, safe and barely painful.
😴A few minutes wake up with hardly any pain.
.⏰ QUICK surgery of about 15 minutes.
👏🏼 Lower risk of infection 🤗


✅All are advantages! ✅

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